Lab 01

Warm-up: Exploratory Data Analysis


Gül İnan


September 20, 2022

What is data?

  • The term data refers to the observations gathered on the characteristics of interest.
  • For example,
    • A medical doctor may collect family history of a patient for a medical study,
    • Market research companies may collect demographic characteristics of people who voted for political candidates in a particular election, or
    • A quality control engineer may collect operating data from an industrial manufacturing process.
  • Each data point roots from a physical, demographical or behavioral phenomenon.

Data representation

  • The data is generally organized and represented in a rectangular array of observed values, where
    • Each row refers to the observations for a particular object (e.g., patients in a medical study), and
    • Each column refers to the observations for a particular characteristic (attribute) (e.g., age of the patients, gender of the patients etc.) recorded for each row.
  • Many statistical software/library requires a similar data structure (e.g., tabular data, tidy data) which is stored in a plain text file or in a spreadsheet file for data analysis.


  • Consider the College.csv file which contains a number of variables for 777 different universites and colleges in the U.S.:

    • Private : Public/private indicator
    • Apps : Number of applications received
    • Accept : Number of applicants accepted
    • Enroll : Number of new students enrolled
    • Top10perc : New students from top 10% of high school class
    • Top25perc : New students from top 25% of high school class
    • F.Undergrad : Number of full-time undergraduates
    • P.Undergrad : Number of part-time undergraduates
    • Outstate : Out-of-state tuition
    • Room.Board : Room and board costs
    • Books : Estimated book costs
    • Personal : Estimated personal spending
    • PhD : Percent of faculty with Ph.D.’s
    • Terminal : Percent of faculty with terminal degree
    • S.F.Ratio : Student/faculty ratio
    • perc.alumni : Percent of alumni who donate
    • Expend : Instructional expenditure per student
    • Grad.Rate : Graduation rate
import warnings 
#import the data set in the .csv file into your your current session
import pandas as pd
college_df = pd.read_csv("", index_col = 0)
#index_col = column(s) to use as the row labels
Private Apps Accept Enroll Top10perc Top25perc F.Undergrad P.Undergrad Outstate Room.Board Books Personal PhD Terminal S.F.Ratio perc.alumni Expend Grad.Rate
Abilene Christian University Yes 1660 1232 721 23 52 2885 537 7440 3300 450 2200 70 78 18.1 12 7041 60
Adelphi University Yes 2186 1924 512 16 29 2683 1227 12280 6450 750 1500 29 30 12.2 16 10527 56
Adrian College Yes 1428 1097 336 22 50 1036 99 11250 3750 400 1165 53 66 12.9 30 8735 54
Agnes Scott College Yes 417 349 137 60 89 510 63 12960 5450 450 875 92 97 7.7 37 19016 59
Alaska Pacific University Yes 193 146 55 16 44 249 869 7560 4120 800 1500 76 72 11.9 2 10922 15
#print the first 5 rows of the data
#each row refers to a college
#each column refers to an attribute for the colleges
Private Apps Accept Enroll Top10perc Top25perc F.Undergrad P.Undergrad Outstate Room.Board Books Personal PhD Terminal S.F.Ratio perc.alumni Expend Grad.Rate
Abilene Christian University Yes 1660 1232 721 23 52 2885 537 7440 3300 450 2200 70 78 18.1 12 7041 60
Adelphi University Yes 2186 1924 512 16 29 2683 1227 12280 6450 750 1500 29 30 12.2 16 10527 56
Adrian College Yes 1428 1097 336 22 50 1036 99 11250 3750 400 1165 53 66 12.9 30 8735 54
Agnes Scott College Yes 417 349 137 60 89 510 63 12960 5450 450 875 92 97 7.7 37 19016 59
Alaska Pacific University Yes 193 146 55 16 44 249 869 7560 4120 800 1500 76 72 11.9 2 10922 15
#Note that this is a pandas data frame
Index(['Private', 'Apps', 'Accept', 'Enroll', 'Top10perc', 'Top25perc',
       'F.Undergrad', 'P.Undergrad', 'Outstate', 'Room.Board', 'Books',
       'Personal', 'PhD', 'Terminal', 'S.F.Ratio', 'perc.alumni', 'Expend',
#we can use some pandas data frame attributes to learn more about our data set
#returns the column labels of the data frame
Index(['Private', 'Apps', 'Accept', 'Enroll', 'Top10perc', 'Top25perc',
       'F.Undergrad', 'P.Undergrad', 'Outstate', 'Room.Board', 'Books',
       'Personal', 'PhD', 'Terminal', 'S.F.Ratio', 'perc.alumni', 'Expend',
#returns a tuple with number of rows and columns
(777, 18)
#returns an interger which is the product of rows and columns

Note that with the increasing variety of data that can be recorded electronically, not all data files have this traditional two-dimesional array format. For example, in medical records, some observations for some subjects may be images (e.g., dental x-rays, brain scans), hand-written prescriptions or a continuous streaming data over time such as monitoring the patient’s heart-rate, respiratory rate etc.


  • A variable is a characteristic that can vary in value in objects of a data set.

Quantitative variables

  • A variable is called quantitative when the measurement scale has numerical values that represent different magnitudes of the variable.
  • Examples of quantitative variables are number of good friends, annual income, college GPA, age, and weight.
  • A quantitative variable is discrete if it can take a set of distinct, separate values, such as the non-negative integers (0,1,2,3, …).
  • Examples of discrete variables are one’s number of good friends, number of computers in household, and number of days playing a sport in the past week.
  • A quantitative variable is continuous if it can take an infinite continuum of possible real number values.
  • Examples of continuous variables are height, weight, age, distance a person walks in a day, winning time in a marathon race, and how long a cell phone works before it needs recharging.

Categorical variables

  • A variable is called categorical when the measurement scale is a set of categories.
  • Examples of categorical variables are marital status (with categories such as single, married, divorced, widowed), primary mode of transportation to work (automobile, bicycle, bus, sub- way, walk), preferred destination for clothes shopping (downtown, Internet, mall, other), and favorite type of music (classical, country, folk, jazz, rap/hip-hop, rock).
  • Categorical variables are often called qualitative.
  • Categorical variables having only two categories, such as whether employed (yes, no), are called binary categorical variables.
  • Categorical variables have two types of measurement scales.
  • For some categorical variables, the categories are unordered. The categories are then said to form a nominal scale.
  • By contrast, some categorical scales have a natural ordering of values. The categories form an ordinal scale.
  • Examples are perceived happiness (not too happy, pretty happy, very happy), headache pain (none, slight, moderate, severe), and political philosophy (very liberal, slightly liberal, moderate, slightly conservative, very conservative).
#returns a series with the data type of each column
Private         object
Apps             int64
Accept           int64
Enroll           int64
Top10perc        int64
Top25perc        int64
F.Undergrad      int64
P.Undergrad      int64
Outstate         int64
Room.Board       int64
Books            int64
Personal         int64
PhD              int64
Terminal         int64
S.F.Ratio      float64
perc.alumni      int64
Expend           int64
Grad.Rate        int64
dtype: object
#private variable is a binary variable
array(['Yes', 'No'], dtype=object)
#get the frequency of each category of private variable
Yes    565
No     212
Name: Private, dtype: int64
#books is a discrete variable
array([ 450,  750,  400,  800,  500,  300,  660,  600,  650,  550,  900,
         96,  350,  700,  540, 1000,  355,  630,  475, 1495, 2000,  410,
        560,  860,  720,  425,  612,  480,  525,  526,  570, 2340,  654,
        666,  380,  470,  680,  595,  520,  625,  530,  120,  490,  330,
        580,  670,  795,  531,  465,  537,  640,  634,  920,  508,  528,
        225,  618,  545,  575,  725,  375,  504, 1100,  200,  250,  850,
        620,  759,  558,  515,  420,  616,  512,  436,  598,  554,  675,
        610,  370, 1230,  955,  690,  569, 1200,  221,  576,  430,  385,
        275,  711,  708, 1125,  635,  468,  518,  636,  790,  556,  687,
        494,  476,  753,  714,  765,  495,  452, 1300,  646,  858,  541,
        376,  535,  740,  585,  768, 1400,  110,  498,  639,  678,  605,
#get a general summary of the variables of the data set
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Index: 777 entries, Abilene Christian University to York College of Pennsylvania
Data columns (total 18 columns):
 #   Column       Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------       --------------  -----  
 0   Private      777 non-null    object 
 1   Apps         777 non-null    int64  
 2   Accept       777 non-null    int64  
 3   Enroll       777 non-null    int64  
 4   Top10perc    777 non-null    int64  
 5   Top25perc    777 non-null    int64  
 6   F.Undergrad  777 non-null    int64  
 7   P.Undergrad  777 non-null    int64  
 8   Outstate     777 non-null    int64  
 9   Room.Board   777 non-null    int64  
 10  Books        777 non-null    int64  
 11  Personal     777 non-null    int64  
 12  PhD          777 non-null    int64  
 13  Terminal     777 non-null    int64  
 14  S.F.Ratio    777 non-null    float64
 15  perc.alumni  777 non-null    int64  
 16  Expend       777 non-null    int64  
 17  Grad.Rate    777 non-null    int64  
dtypes: float64(1), int64(16), object(1)
memory usage: 115.3+ KB

Why do we analyze data?

  • To understand what has happened or what is happening,
  • To predict what is likely to happen, either in the future or in other circumstances we have not seen or observed yet,
  • To guide us in making decisions.

How to explore a new data set?

  1. Assess the general characteristics of the data set, e.g.,
    • How many subjects/objects do we have? How many variables?
    • What are the variable names? Are they meaningful? Are the names compatible with the software syntax we are going to use?
    • What type is each variable - e.g., numeric (discrete or continuous), categorical?
    • How many unique values does each variable, especially categorical ones, have? (Very important to know before data splitting).
    • Are there any missing observations?
#we already checked most of them, but let's check
#whether any missing values
#college_df.isnull(): alias of isna()  
Private        0
Apps           0
Accept         0
Enroll         0
Top10perc      0
Top25perc      0
F.Undergrad    0
P.Undergrad    0
Outstate       0
Room.Board     0
Books          0
Personal       0
PhD            0
Terminal       0
S.F.Ratio      0
perc.alumni    0
Expend         0
Grad.Rate      0
dtype: int64
  1. Examine descriptive statistics for each variable.
  • Descriptive statistics are numbers computed from the data that present a summary of the variables.

Measures of Location

  • The most common measures of location are the Mean, the Median, the Mode, and the Quartiles.
  • Mean: the arithmetic average of all the observations. The mean equals the sum of all observations divided by the sample size.
  • Median: the middle-most value of the ranked set of observations so that half the observations are greater than the median and the other half is less. Median is a robust measure of central tendency.
  • Note that the mean is very sensitive to outliers (extreme or unusual observations) whereas the median is not.
  • Mode: the most frequently occurring value in the data set. This makes more sense when attributes are not continuous.
  • Quartiles: division points which split data into four equal parts after rank-ordering them.
    • Division points are called Q1 (the first quartile), Q2 (the second quartile or median), and Q3 (the third quartile)
    • Similarly, Deciles and Percentiles are defined as division points that divide the rank-ordered data into 10 and 100 equal segments.
#get the mean values of numeric columns only
#by default skipna=True
college_df.mean(numeric_only = True)
Apps            3001.638353
Accept          2018.804376
Enroll           779.972973
Top10perc         27.558559
Top25perc         55.796654
F.Undergrad     3699.907336
P.Undergrad      855.298584
Outstate       10440.669241
Room.Board      4357.526384
Books            549.380952
Personal        1340.642214
PhD               72.660232
Terminal          79.702703
S.F.Ratio         14.089704
perc.alumni       22.743887
Expend          9660.171171
Grad.Rate         65.463320
dtype: float64
#get the median values of numeric columns only
college_df.median(numeric_only = True)
Apps           1558.0
Accept         1110.0
Enroll          434.0
Top10perc        23.0
Top25perc        54.0
F.Undergrad    1707.0
P.Undergrad     353.0
Outstate       9990.0
Room.Board     4200.0
Books           500.0
Personal       1200.0
PhD              75.0
Terminal         82.0
S.F.Ratio        13.6
perc.alumni      21.0
Expend         8377.0
Grad.Rate        65.0
dtype: float64
#mode can be unique
0    452
dtype: int64
#there can be multiple modes
0     440
1     663
2    1006
dtype: int64

Measures of Spread

  • Measures of location are not enough to capture all aspects of the variables.
  • Measures of dispersion are necessary to understand the variability of the data.
  • The most common measure of dispersion is the Variance, the Standard Deviation, the Interquartile Range and Range.
  • Variance: measures how far data values lie from the mean. It is defined as the average of the squared differences between the mean and the individual data values.
  • Standard Deviation: is the square root of the variance. It is defined as the average distance between the mean and the individual data values.
  • Interquartile range (IQR): is the difference between Q3 and Q1. IQR contains the middle 50% of data.
  • Range is the difference between the maximum and minimum values in the sample.
#get the variance values of numeric columns only
#by default skipna=True
college_df.var(numeric_only = True)
Apps           1.497846e+07
Accept         6.007960e+06
Enroll         8.633684e+05
Top10perc      3.111825e+02
Top25perc      3.922292e+02
F.Undergrad    2.352658e+07
P.Undergrad    2.317799e+06
Outstate       1.618466e+07
Room.Board     1.202743e+06
Books          2.725978e+04
Personal       4.584258e+05
PhD            2.666086e+02
Terminal       2.167478e+02
S.F.Ratio      1.566853e+01
perc.alumni    1.535567e+02
Expend         2.726687e+07
Grad.Rate      2.950737e+02
dtype: float64
#get the std values of numeric columns only
#by default skipna=True
college_df.std(numeric_only = True)
Apps           3870.201484
Accept         2451.113971
Enroll          929.176190
Top10perc        17.640364
Top25perc        19.804778
F.Undergrad    4850.420531
P.Undergrad    1522.431887
Outstate       4023.016484
Room.Board     1096.696416
Books           165.105360
Personal        677.071454
PhD              16.328155
Terminal         14.722359
S.F.Ratio         3.958349
perc.alumni      12.391801
Expend         5221.768440
Grad.Rate        17.177710
dtype: float64
#or get a full summary for each variable
#you need to manually calculate IQR=Q3-Q1
Apps Accept Enroll Top10perc Top25perc F.Undergrad P.Undergrad Outstate Room.Board Books Personal PhD Terminal S.F.Ratio perc.alumni Expend Grad.Rate
count 777.00 777.00 777.00 777.00 777.0 777.00 777.00 777.00 777.00 777.00 777.00 777.00 777.00 777.00 777.00 777.00 777.00
mean 3001.64 2018.80 779.97 27.56 55.8 3699.91 855.30 10440.67 4357.53 549.38 1340.64 72.66 79.70 14.09 22.74 9660.17 65.46
std 3870.20 2451.11 929.18 17.64 19.8 4850.42 1522.43 4023.02 1096.70 165.11 677.07 16.33 14.72 3.96 12.39 5221.77 17.18
min 81.00 72.00 35.00 1.00 9.0 139.00 1.00 2340.00 1780.00 96.00 250.00 8.00 24.00 2.50 0.00 3186.00 10.00
25% 776.00 604.00 242.00 15.00 41.0 992.00 95.00 7320.00 3597.00 470.00 850.00 62.00 71.00 11.50 13.00 6751.00 53.00
50% 1558.00 1110.00 434.00 23.00 54.0 1707.00 353.00 9990.00 4200.00 500.00 1200.00 75.00 82.00 13.60 21.00 8377.00 65.00
75% 3624.00 2424.00 902.00 35.00 69.0 4005.00 967.00 12925.00 5050.00 600.00 1700.00 85.00 92.00 16.50 31.00 10830.00 78.00
max 48094.00 26330.00 6392.00 96.00 100.0 31643.00 21836.00 21700.00 8124.00 2340.00 6800.00 103.00 100.00 39.80 64.00 56233.00 118.00

Measures of Skewness

  • In addition to the measures of location and dispersion, the arrangement of data or the shape of the data distribution is also of considerable interest.

  • The most ‘well-behaved’ distribution is a symmetric distribution where the mean and the median are coincident.

  • The symmetry is lost if there exists a tail in either direction.

  • Skewness measures whether or not a distribution has a single long tail.

  • The sample skewness is measured as:

    \[ \frac{\sum_{i}^{n}(x_i-\bar{x})^3}{\big(\sum_{i}^{n}(x_i-\bar{x})^2\big)^\frac{3}{2}}. \]

#import required libraries
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats as stats
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
#generate large number of random variables from standard normal dist.
#returns a numpy array
x = stats.norm.rvs(loc = 0, scale = 1, size = 100000, random_state = 1773)
#get a histogram of the data
plt.hist(x, alpha = 0.5, edgecolor = 'black')
plt.title('A symmetric distribution example', weight = "bold")
plt.text(2, 30000, 'Skewness = 0', weight = "bold")

#check out the mean and median, they should be close to each other
print('Mean=%.4f, Median=%.4f'% (np.mean(x), np.median(x)))
Mean=-0.0015, Median=0.0015
#or get the other measures, investigate that in
#the symmetric distributions, skewness is close to 0.
DescribeResult(nobs=100000, minmax=(-4.717908113448087, 4.364469403009946), mean=-0.0014900664839476684, variance=0.9997450526672419, skewness=-0.008348981045154868, kurtosis=0.01248822911019376)
#generate large number of random variables from exponential dist. with scale param = 1
#returns a numpy array
y = stats.expon.rvs(scale = 1, size = 100000, random_state = 1773)
#get a histogram of the data
plt.hist(y, alpha = 0.5, bins = 50, edgecolor = 'black')
plt.title('A right-skewed distribution example', weight = "bold")
#plt.text(10, 60000, 'Skewness > 0', weight = "bold")

#check out the mean and median, mean should be greater than median
print('Mean=%.4f, Median=%.4f'% (np.mean(y), np.median(y)))
Mean=0.9987, Median=0.6917
#or get the other measures, look at, in
#the right-skewed distributions, skewness is positive.
DescribeResult(nobs=100000, minmax=(3.073149724927421e-06, 13.351146996791892), mean=0.9987103275783477, variance=0.9925253514338582, skewness=2.0073799405685375, kurtosis=6.232692611906376)
#generate large number of random variables from a left skeed dist. with skeweness -5
#returns a numpy array
z = stats.skewnorm.rvs(a = -5, size = 100000, random_state = 1773)
#get a histogram of the data
plt.hist(z, alpha = 0.5, edgecolor = 'black')
plt.title('A left-skewed distribution example', weight = "bold")
plt.text(-4, 25000, 'Skewness < 0', weight = "bold")

#check out the mean and median, mean should be smaller than median
print('Mean=%.4f, Median=%.4f'% (np.mean(z), np.median(z)))
Mean=-0.7820, Median=-0.6729
#or get the other measures, look at in
#the right-skewed distributions, skewness is positive.
DescribeResult(nobs=100000, minmax=(-4.757740420390817, 0.6210253575361764), mean=-0.7819669683426621, variance=0.3870349600207956, skewness=-0.8625796090777151, kurtosis=0.7531576433616411)

Box-Cox Transformation

  • A Box-Cox transformation is a commonly used statistical method for transforming a non-normally distributed data into a more normally distributed data.
  • The basic idea behind this method is to find some value for \(\lambda\) such that the transformed data is as close to normally distributed as possible, using the following formula which combines power and log transformations:

\[ y(\lambda)=\begin{cases} y^{\lambda}-1, & \quad \lambda \neq 0 \\ log(y) & \quad \lambda = 0 \\ \end{cases}. \]

#perform Box-Cox transformation on y (original data)
transformed_y, best_lambda = stats.boxcox(y) 
#this the lambda that maximizes the log-likelihood function.
print('λ = %.4f' % (best_lambda))
λ = 0.2664

array([ 0.76327533, -0.26092415, -1.27886934, ...,  1.22406844,
       -1.53643293, -1.7308228 ])
#get a histogram of the transformed data
#we can see that the transformed data follows a normal distribution.
plt.hist(transformed_y, alpha = 0.5)
plt.title('Histogram of the transformed data', weight = "bold")

Shapiro-Wilk Test

  • Shapiro-Wilk test is a non-parametric statistical test used for testing normality.

  • The hypothesis of the Shapiro-Wilk test is:

    \(H_0\): The sample \(x_1,\ldots, x_n\) comes from a normally distributed population.

    \(H_1\): The sample \(x_1, \ldots,x_n\) does not come from a normally distributed population.

  • Since the test statistic does not follow a distribution (quantiles of the statistic is calculated through resampling based methods), its cut-off values are not tabulated. Here is the original paper.

  • One way to perform Shapiro-Wilk test is to rely on statistical software/libraries performing this test.

  • When you get the observed value of the statistic and corresponding p-value of the test:

    • If the p-value is less than the chosen significance level (e.g., for an alpha level of 0.05), then \(H_0\) is rejected and there is evidence that the data tested are not normally distributed.
    • On the other hand, if the p-value is greater than the chosen significance level, then \(H_0\) cannot be rejected, then we can conclude that the data is from a normally distributed population.
#let's apply Shapiro-Wilk test to the data named x (we already know that
#it comes from normal distribution
#the function returns the observed test statistic and its corresponding p-value.
shapiro_stat, p_value = stats.shapiro(x)
print('P-value = %.4f' % (p_value))
P-value = 0.9466

Since the p-value = 0.9466 is greater than 0.05, we fail to reject the null hypothesis. We do not have sufficient evidence to say that the data does not come from a normal distribution.

#let's apply Shapiro-Wilk test to the data named y which is generated from exponential dist.
#the function returns the osberved test statistic and its corresponding p-value.
shapiro_stat, p_value = stats.shapiro(y)
print('P-value = %.4f' % (p_value))
P-value = 0.0000

Since the p-value = 0.0000 is less than 0.05, we reject the null hypothesis. We have sufficient evidence to say that the data does not come from a normal distribution.

A note from scipy.stats.shapiro says that “For N > 5000 the W test statistic is accurate but the p-value may not be.”

Measures of Correlation

  • Correlation describes the degree and direction of the linear relationship between two variables, \(X\) and \(Y\).
  • Let we have a random sample of size \(n\) observed on \(X\) and \(Y\) variables where the data pairs are denoted by \((x_1,y_1),\ldots,(x_n,y_n)\), the sample correlation coefficient is defined as:

\[ r_{xy}=\frac{\sum_{i}^{n}(x_i-\bar{x})(y_i-\bar{y})}{\sqrt{\big(\sum_{i}^{n}(x_i-\bar{x})^2\sum_{i}^{n}(y_i-\bar{y})^2\big)}}. \]

  • The correlation falls between -1 and 1 (\(-1 \leq r_{xy} \leq 1\)).
  • If \(r_{xy} > 0\), the association is positive,
  • If \(r_{xy} < 0\), the association is negative, and
  • If \(r_{xy} = 0\), it indicates no linear relationship.
  • The larger the absolute value \(r_{xy}\), the stronger the association.

Let’s investigate how the scatter plot changes as the correlation changes.

# Importing the necessary libraries
from scipy import stats as stats
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import ipywidgets as widgets'seaborn-whitegrid')

# define a corr function with flexible corr input
def corr_widget(corr = 0):
    # Defining the mean vector
    mean_x_y = np.array([20,30])

    # Setting sd and corr 

    sigma_x = 4
    sigma_y = 5
    corr_x_y = corr

    # Defining the variance-covariance matrix

    cov_x_y = np.array([[sigma_x**2, corr_x_y*sigma_x*sigma_y], [corr_x_y*sigma_x*sigma_y, sigma_y**2]])

    # Generating a data based on bivariate normal distribution
    # with given mean vector and variance-covariance matrix
    data = stats.multivariate_normal.rvs(mean = mean_x_y, cov = cov_x_y, size = 100) #seed throwed an error

    # Plotting the generated samples
    plt.plot(data[:,0], data[:,1], 'o', c = 'blue')
    plt.title(f'Correlation between X and Y = {corr_x_y}')

#turn it into a widget
corr_wid = widgets.FloatSlider(min = -1, max = 1, step = 0.1, value = 0, description = "$r_x_y$")

Now, play with the following slider to see how correlation changes.

widgets.interact(corr_widget, corr = corr_wid);
import session_info
Click to view session information
ipywidgets          7.6.5
matplotlib          3.4.3
numpy               1.21.2
pandas              1.3.3
scipy               1.7.1
session_info        1.0.0
Click to view modules imported as dependencies
PIL                         8.3.2
anyio                       NA
appnope                     0.1.2
attr                        21.2.0
babel                       2.9.1
backcall                    0.2.0
beta_ufunc                  NA
binom_ufunc                 NA
brotli                      1.0.9
certifi                     2021.05.30
cffi                        1.14.6
chardet                     4.0.0
charset_normalizer          2.0.0
colorama                    0.4.4
cycler                      0.10.0
cython_runtime              NA
dateutil                    2.8.2
debugpy                     1.4.1
decorator                   5.1.0
defusedxml                  0.7.1
entrypoints                 0.3
google                      NA
idna                        3.1
ipykernel                   6.4.1
ipython_genutils            0.2.0
jedi                        0.18.0
jinja2                      3.0.1
json5                       NA
jsonschema                  3.2.0
jupyter_server              1.11.0
jupyterlab_server           2.8.1
kiwisolver                  1.3.2
markupsafe                  2.0.1
matplotlib_inline           NA
mpl_toolkits                NA
nbclassic                   NA
nbformat                    5.1.3
nbinom_ufunc                NA
packaging                   21.3
parso                       0.8.2
pexpect                     4.8.0
pickleshare                 0.7.5
pkg_resources               NA
prometheus_client           NA
prompt_toolkit              3.0.20
ptyprocess                  0.7.0
pvectorc                    NA
pydev_ipython               NA
pydevconsole                NA
pydevd                      2.4.1
pydevd_concurrency_analyser NA
pydevd_file_utils           NA
pydevd_plugins              NA
pydevd_tracing              NA
pygments                    2.10.0
pyparsing                   2.4.7
pyrsistent                  NA
pytz                        2021.1
requests                    2.26.0
send2trash                  NA
six                         1.16.0
sniffio                     1.2.0
socks                       1.7.1
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terminado                   0.12.1
tornado                     6.1
traitlets                   5.1.0
urllib3                     1.26.7
wcwidth                     0.2.5
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zmq                         22.3.0
IPython             7.27.0
jupyter_client      7.0.3
jupyter_core        4.8.1
jupyterlab          3.1.12
notebook            6.4.4
Python 3.8.12 | packaged by conda-forge | (default, Sep 16 2021, 01:59:00) [Clang 11.1.0 ]
Session information updated at 2022-09-20 16:35